Lease Agreement Simple Sample

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Lease Agreement Simple Sample: A Guide for Tenants and Landlords

A lease agreement is a crucial document that outlines the terms and conditions of a rental agreement between a landlord and tenant. It is essential to have a comprehensive lease agreement to avoid any confusion or disputes in the future. However, creating a lease agreement can be a daunting task, especially for first-time landlords. Fortunately, a lease agreement simple sample can help you craft a lease agreement that meets your needs.

What is a lease agreement?

A lease agreement is a legal document that outlines the terms and conditions of a rental agreement between a landlord and a tenant. This document specifies the details of the rental property, the rental period, rent amount, security deposit, late fees, maintenance responsibilities, and other essential terms and conditions.

Why do you need a lease agreement?

A lease agreement protects the interests of both landlords and tenants. Without a lease agreement, disputes can arise, and both parties may lose their rights and face legal consequences. Therefore, it is important to have a lease agreement that clearly outlines the expectations and responsibilities of both the landlord and tenant.

What should a lease agreement include?

A lease agreement should include the following details:

1. Names of the landlord and tenant.

2. Details of the rental property, such as the address, type of property, and number of bedrooms and bathrooms.

3. Rental period, including the start and end date of the lease agreement.

4. Rent amount, security deposit, and other fees.

5. Late payment fees and consequences for non-payment.

6. Maintenance responsibilities, such as who will be responsible for repairs and maintenance.

7. Restrictions, such as pet restrictions and smoking restrictions.

8. Termination clause, including the notice period required by both parties to terminate the lease agreement.

9. Governing law, which specifies the jurisdiction in which the lease agreement is governed.

Lease agreement simple sample

A lease agreement simple sample can help you create a lease agreement that meets your needs. Here is an example of a lease agreement simple sample:

[Landlord Name], hereafter known as “Landlord,” and [Tenant Name], hereafter known as “Tenant,” hereby agree to enter into a lease agreement for the property located at [Property Address] for a rental period of [Rental Period].


The Tenant shall pay the Landlord a rent of [Rent Amount] per month, payable on the [Due Date] of each month. If the Tenant fails to pay rent on time, the Tenant shall be charged a late payment fee of [Late Payment Fee] per day until the rent is paid in full.

Security deposit

The Tenant shall pay a security deposit of [Security Deposit Amount] before moving into the rental property. The security deposit shall be returned to the Tenant at the end of the rental period, provided that the Tenant has fulfilled all obligations under the lease agreement.


The Tenant shall maintain the rental property in good condition and repair, and shall be responsible for any damage caused by the Tenant or the Tenant’s guests. The Landlord shall be responsible for any repairs or maintenance that are not the Tenant’s responsibility.


The Tenant shall not keep any pets on the property unless otherwise agreed to by the Landlord. Smoking is not allowed on the rental property.


Either party may terminate this lease agreement by giving [Notice Period] days’ notice in writing. The Tenant shall be responsible for paying rent up to the date of termination.

Governing law

This lease agreement shall be governed by the laws of [Governing Law], and any disputes arising out of this lease agreement shall be subject to the jurisdiction of the courts in [Jurisdiction].


A lease agreement is an important document that protects both landlords and tenants. A lease agreement simple sample can help you create a lease agreement that meets your needs and ensures that both parties are aware of their obligations and expectations. When crafting a lease agreement, it is important to be thorough and cover all aspects of the rental agreement to avoid any confusion or disputes in the future.

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